Monday, May 30, 2011

FUDCon LATAM 2011 - Third Day

The third day was the best. The talks presented were well received by the audience. Daniel Bruno explained that Latin American Infrastructure in Fedora. This helped to decide the future of this important branch of the Fedora community. 

One of the most awaited talks: "Why You are all idiots?" By Kanarip, was one of the most interesting. People were very curious about what was going to expose. Many questions emerged and were resolved by Kanarip. 

Tatica presented about photo on GIMP. I had to speak about the use of Eclipse as a development platform. Many of the vi and emacs users realized the benefits that have Eclipse. During my presentation we realize the presence of Johel Batista, a 14-year fedorian who runs a website called It consists of a question and answer space where ideas are shared. 

Parallel to my presentation of Eclipse, Juan Rodriguez of Paraguay (Jared Smith) was talking about "How to be the next leader of the Fedora Project?". It was one of the most popular presentations, because Jared was revealing the secrets of his success as a leader of the Fedora Project. 

Later came the lunch. Followed were with the "Lightning Talks." Antonio explained how to develop personalized and automated systems. Neville explained about OpenStreetMap. Finally, Johel detailed his website and urged the audience to publicize his site. 

After the "Lightning Talks" began the Hackfests. Tatica speak of marketing, while Igor and others organized the Latin American Fedora Infrastructure. Larry explained the use of Spacewalk. Gomix was in the process of graduation of the new packagers. Haks and Tatica were coordinating the art for Fedora 16.
To end the sessions of that day, Igor made a comparison of this and the previous FUDCon, sharing the experiences of their team leaders, Alejandro (Panama) and Antonio (Chile). Alejandro extended his thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the event. 

At night we were in the FUDPub. The event rise in Bowling El Dorado. It was the best because all fedorians shared as a family. We ate, drank and enjoyed bowling. It was a very important opportunity to seal the bonds of friendship that sprang from FUDCon. 

There was a great surprise, was a birthday cake for Fedora 15. It was immense. Everyone was surprised and happy. Luis Bazan and other fedorianos eat "literally" the cake. Apart from that, everything was excellent. 

Thank you again to all who contributed ideas, effort, time, words and all his energies to make the event like a star in the sky. Later I will be posting my general summary of the event, where I will present in detail, my views and feelings.

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